The Ace of Wands

The Peace Practice draws a monthly tarot card from our favourite deck, The Wild Unknown.  We look at what message the card might hold for us, as a Universal Human Collective, from the perspective of Peace.  How might we find Peace in the story unfolding for the month ahead?  What do we need to learn to come to this place of Peace?  How do we find Peace within any challenges and messages the card brings?
This opening post of our Peaceful Tarot series is The Ace of Wands:

The Wild Unknown Tarot, Ace of Wands, The Peaceful Tarot Reading


1st November 2016
At the core of all creation is a seed. The seed is fertilised by other life, light or love and ignited into life. The seed moves to growth, it buds, and then opens in great glory with flourish as it reaches into the Universe. As it unwraps to the collective energy surrounding its form, it fires into the very heart of the world from which it sprung forth.
In the core of your belly is the light that can grow the seed. It is not just physical growth that is borne here; the seed of all creation can begin from this point. If you plant a seed with your mind, it may very well grow. It may very well flourish. But if you plant a seed from the centre of your being, it can fly. It can go high and wide and deep and true.
This month there really is inspiration all around. Creativity abounding. Acknowledge the excitement but take the time to prepare the ground. But rather than use your mental processes, feel deep inside yourself for the answers and direction. Feel is the word. By connecting to your own consciousness – it may well affect the conscious action required. Let your inner self lead and if you feel the peace then your heart will know where to place your attention.
So this November, light a fire in your soul to push your creative self into the Universe through your heartspace, as it is time for ideas from the soul to go forth and bring forth light to the world.
With many blessings,

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