The Peace Practice draws a monthly tarot card from our favourite deck, The Wild Unknown. We look at what message the card might hold for us as a Universal Human Collective, from the perspective of Peace. How might we find Peace in the story unfolding for the month ahead? What do we need to learn to come to this place of Peace? How do we find Peace within any challenges and messages the card brings?
Welcome to the June 2017 post of our Peaceful Tarot series

For this reading I decided to add an extra card from my new deck The Animal Spirit and make June a two card reading. However, two cards jumped out into my space after I chose the first. So here they are - now a three card reading. They ALL wanted a say!
Be introduced to Five of Cups and 6 of Swords Reversed from the Wild Unknown Tarot and Lizard from The Animal Spirit Deck, The Wild Unknown.
The Five of Cups.
This card is showing that we are opening to the process of conscious connection. Connection to our self, our emotions and to those further afield. Connection to our physical and to our earth - and then to the deep beyond.
Yet all this consciousness will not be without a bump in the seams, a stuck zipper, a tear in the fabric. When we look, really look - and look through both eyes - one eye will see the present and one eye will see the past - and it is not always pretty. It is not always coloured rose and it is not always what we thought it was.
Our emotions tend to become tender paper cuts on the finger. Irritated. Razor sharp, but not necessarily bloody. Painful nevertheless when bumped or touched. At this point we are asking questions. Are we us? Are we where we want to be? Where is that anyway? How did we get here in the first place?
We will see that once we are conscious, what we find internally will hang over our heads until we find the resolve to strip ourselves back even more. Once we do so we will be able to finally sit comfortably in our core and bring light to the soft underbelly of our emotions, our experiences and our memories.
The light begins from the space inside us, the purest crystalline part of our soul - softly illuminating itself from our new consciousness. The gentle glow breaking open the dark. Yet we may struggle to see these tremulous emotions are shadowing our luminescense. Instead of seeing the brighter path enfolding before us, we are being weighed down by the recognition that we are not actually who we thought we were. If that is the case - who are we?
The second card jumped from the deck, screaming to be heard – so in the interest of listening with the other ear, this is the voice of the 6 of Swords Reversed.
The swords are laid down. We are in transistion. The fight is actually over for the moment and it is time to rest, pull back, take some care as we may feel a touch battle weary.
It must be remembered however that our dreams and desires have been hurtled out into the Universe on the whim of our thoughts and from the blades that now lie quiet. They remain suspended waiting to manifest. Are they taking their time? Did we forget them? Did we think we had been forgotten? Did we think them right? Were we careful for what we wished for?
In mindful. Stay conscious in your thoughts.
There is a rainbow in this card. It is not yet arching over our sky as the card is reversed. It is in the underbelly, deep within us. Nevertheless it is there. After you have rested awhile, taken stock, bared your soul - use it as a bridge. The Lizard will show you have to navigate its path.
From my beautiful new deck) Lizard wishes to speak to us. We shed our skin this month. Once bared and regenerated, we are able to leave the pieces of ourself that we no longer need behind, to meld into the fabric of the new world we wish to manifest. We become one with it. We shine with the lights and colours of the rainbow. We make brilliance.
Lizard can climb the mountain rocks with ease. He can rest underneath; sun his belly atop of them. He is in perfect harmony with his environment and he is always poised to go. Just not yet. All his senses are turned on, tuned in but he talks of pulling back a little, emptying those cups of emotion fully. He takes his time. He dreams, he contemplates his dreams and then chooses his dream to put into manifestation. He listens to his heightened senses and intuition.
He whispers:
“Listening this time with your eyes, the other eye too – the third eye, the one that will look inwards. The one that hears your soul. You, yourself will know when the time is right.”
This month is about trust and patience. It is time to be. To allow the clearing. To allow yourself the healing. To look and feel inside of yourself, using all your senses. Listen with your eyes, hear with your heart and see with your consciousness shining the light on all you do. By digging in deep and understanding who you really are when you strip away your outer skin, you will transistion through the battle, raise your head, empty your heavy cups of fear and instinctively lift the rainbow to the sky when the time is right.
Let Lizard lead you through June and bring to you a sense of knowing that all is well, a sense of peace.
Many blessings,