The Peace Feed

Ho'oponopono for Peace of Mind

Ho'oponopono for Peace of Mind

Ho'oponopono is an ancient, powerful but incredibly simple technique from Hawaii. If it is incorporated as a day to day mantra or meditation practice it can be life changing. Originally used between family members on a regular basis to clear any discordant energies - it also has the ability to free up hurt and negative emotions around difficult situations.

Cleansing Your Crystal Quartz

Cleansing Your Crystal Quartz

Give your crystals some love and attention by bathing them in sunlight, dusting them in moonlight.  You will amplify their natural hereditary memories and align yourself to their energetic resonance.

Using Your Crystals In A Meditation

Using Your Crystals In A Meditation

Set your intention in your mind for what you would like to know or understand through the meditation with your crystal.

Place the crystal cupped between your hands and place your hands on your lap. Sit quietly in an upright position with your feet on the floor and breathe rhythmically.

Cups Runneth

Cups Runneth

Nine of Cups Reversed. This card when looked at upright is so serene. So silent. So peaceful. A pause, a resting vibration of nurturing and love. Peace at the higher level of understanding.

Mother and child connected in their spirituality. Reverence to new life. The loyalty of family and the stability of love. There is abundance at the foundation of the card and a message also from our higher self,

Travel the rainbow

Travel the rainbow

Six of Swords

There has been massive change and upheaval happening in the world of late. New thought patterns are being thrown forth and we are beginning to see some very inspiring and heartfelt solutions coming forward, being integrated and accepted into our lives. There is much in the air!

Peace Crystals and Crystal Seeds of Peace

Peace Crystals and Crystal Seeds of Peace

Love from us.

We send great love with the Peace crystals on our site.  They are special.  You are special.  It is important for us to present these crystals to you with the best of intentions and only for your greater and higher good. 

It is our belief that in raising our own personal vibrations we raise the vibrations of the planet.  And this can only be a good thing.  We also believe crystals of the world can assist us greatly in keeping our focus on the balance of light within us and of activating energising our own internal crystalline core......

Lord of Rest from Strife

Lord of Rest from Strife

The title of this card tells enough!  Taking a break, on so many levels......

I bow down.

I bow down.

I see the youth and vitality of the Son, with his newly forming antlers – more than a bud but still finding their strength. I bow down as he does here.   I bow down to the emergence of a being, one who is growing and learning, moving forward – with life at his feet. So much to do, so much to be. So much to come.

Reflecting on the growth of the emerging new humanity, it feels a little the same.

Sacred Convergence

Sacred Convergence

A reading for the month of March from the Alana Fairchild Rumi Oracle Deck for the collective consciousness on the perspective of peace for the world at present. The number 11 Sacred Convergence was drawn and this is my intuitive understanding of this card from the intention of this reading.

As I ponder on this beautiful card I see a portal, within a portal, within a portal. An opening, a gateway, a channel, a path. Movement on the steps are up but also down, allowing a free energetic flow both ways. Traveling softly, much exchange, much support – an uplifting love...


My ongoing relationship with a Moonflower

My ongoing relationship with a Moonflower

I have never had green thumbs, never been a gardener as such.  I am the appreciator more than the cultivator.  I am the client of the artist.  I can recognise the beauty but cannot paint myself.  It is like that in my garden.  Love the garden, grateful and (remotely) connected but sadly, not so good at keeping things alive....but this is slowly changing.  Intent. Conversation. Connection. Love... and... little doses of Reiki!! I am learning how to be a real gardener!

The Hermit, Reversed

The Hermit, Reversed

The Hermit Reversed

You have been still. You have been seeking. You have stayed within your moments and pondered in great contemplation of the inner realms. Your patience has been great as you slowly traversed great deserts with deliberation. You have found, and you have lost. There was sadness and solemn nights alone, tucked away and in darkness – with the light only that burnt softly in your heart.

The 3 Pillars of Success

The 3 Pillars of Success

The Earth grids have undergone much rearrangement, the magnetics and energies changing charge levels, pulling our tender physicality into new form and we have experienced tremendous change in not only our singular lives, but within our collective reality. Veils are lifting, we see with new eyes, we speak with new voices and we are realigning our purpose with our inner self as we stand now on the threshold of a New Year. See what The Hermetic Tarot deck tells us about the new energies downloading for 2018...